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Debtor Statements

  • create one statement of account containing all outstanding invoices for an Identity
  • include accumulated interest charges
  • use your company letterhead to brand the statement
  • directly print or email statements

Your Debtor Statement system will have been configured by your support consultant during the initial set up of your LegalOffice system. This will have included parameters about charging interest, third party addressing on statements, whether to print or email your statements. Please contact support if you have any questions about your configuration.

Run the Debtor Statement app and use the extract function to update the list of outstanding bills.

Use the drop down menu to select the action that will be taken when the Single Statement or, all Statements buttons are pressed. Valid options are Preview, Print, Draft Email PDF or Send Email PDF.

If Preview is selected then a preview of the statements that would be printed is shown and also allows the statements to be printed from the preview screen.

If Print is selected then the statement or statements are printed to the statement printer.

If Draft Email PDF is selected then the Statement(s) are created as a PDF file, imported into the DMS system and a draft email with the PDF attached is created in outlook but not sent.

If Send Email PDF is selected then the Statement(s) are created as a PDF, imported into the DMS system and sent to the clients email automatically except in the case where no e-mail address is present or the statement has more than 1 email associated with it, in this case a draft email will be created but not sent.

Different types of configuration available for Debtor Statements

If the Client record has an AR statement indicator of “Combined Client” then the clients Billing Email will be used and all the bills for that client will have the same Name, Address and Email.

However, if the AR statement indicator is “Client per Bill Name” then we use the philosophy of the Statement following the bill. Whist the name and address on a bill is initially set to the Debtor Identity during billing, this can be changed on the individual bill. “Client per Bill Name” links all bills with the same Name and address onto one statement. The Debtor statement app will set the emailing address to be the billing email of the Debtor Identity. This means that one statement may include bills with more than one email address on the bills. Where this happens the first bills email address is assumed but the bill will not be sent automatically.

You can check what type of configuration you have by looking at the system Control File / Statements tab.

An alternative to Debtor Statements is AR notices and you can find out more about those here.