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  4. Quick Guide – Add a simple Bill

Quick Guide – Add a simple Bill

Learn how to create a simple bill.

LegalOffice billing provides the ability to raise a tax invoice for time worked and disbursements incurred.

Billing consists of two stages. The first is to create a draft bill, which is then edited to contain the narration and charges required. When editing is complete the bill is updated and bill number allocated. The bill can then be printed and/or emailed directly to the debtor client.

The billing program is by necessity highly functional and complex. The program helps the bill author by using pre-set conditions and defaults to automatically populate the draft bill. This gives the author the ability to create a bill with the only changes required being the bill narration, fee amount and disbursement amounts.

This guide explains how to create and edit a simple draft bill i.e. the only changes necessary are to enter a narration, alter the fee amount and add disbursements.

Create a draft bill from;

  • MyMatters – Right click on the matter record and select the option ‘Raise Bill’;
  • Matter Inquiry – Right click on the matter summary screen and select the option ‘Raise Bill’;
  • Bulk Billing Tab – Right click on the draft bill grid and select the option ‘New’.

The draft bill will open and display;

Bill Header Tab

The bill header screen displays header information for the draft bill including the billing name and address. The system will default to the client default settings but can be overiddden if necessary.

Select the Bill Matters / Matter details tab;

Bill Matters / Matter details tab

The Bill matter details screen displays control information for this bill. The system will default to the client default settings but can be overiddden if necessary.

To: (the Bill narration)

Double click on the narrration field to open the narration editor. Type in your narration, use the right click menu to use formatting tools like adding bullet points or paragraph formatting. Use the spell checker when complete. Tick the Proceed button to close the editor followed by the OK button to save your bills narration.

Select the Bill Matters / Fees tab;

Bill Matters / Fees tab

This screen shows all time and fee information for this bill. The system will include all WIP available with the value being displayed in the ‘Recorded’ field.

The amount of the fee that will be billed is displayed in the ‘Total’ field. Unless amended, the recorded time value will be the amount billed as fees.

GST is added and the total bill value is displayed in the ‘Total Fees’ field

To Mark up the fee value type the the amount you wish to bill in the ‘Total’ Field. Click Ok to save your change.

To Mark down the fee value type the amount (as a negative value) you wish to discount the fee by. Click Ok to save your change.

Select the Bill Matters / Costs / Bill lines tab;

Bill Matters / Costs / Bill lines tab

This screen displays a summary disbursements recored and available for billing.

To remove a disbursement right click on the line and select ‘Remove cost line’.

To add a disbursement right click abd select ‘Add a cost line’

On the selection screen choose the type of disbursement you want to add i.e. non cash internal charge or external cheque disbursement. Next select a transaction type for the disbursement e.g. Bureau, Travel. Click the Proceed button to accept your selections.

On the details screen that displays enter a the amount you wish to charge on the bill. Enter this in the generated Inclusive field to let the system calculate the GST and net values. If required, change the narration of the disbursement. Click Ok to save your disbursement.

Continue to add disbursements until you have added all of the charges you wish to bill.

Preview and Update the bill

When you finsihed adding time and disbursements, right click on the draft bill and select ‘Preview Bill’. This will display the bill on screen, review this and check you are satisfied with the bill details. If need be, close the preview and return the previous screens to edit as required.

When you have finished editing the bill, right clcik and select ‘Update and Print’.

Bill delivery options

The bill is now updated on the client ledger. The delivery options available to select are;

  • Add a PDF copy into the DMS for the billing matter; and
  • Create a draft email addressed to the client and attach a PDF copy of the invoice; or
  • Print a hard copy of the invoice