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Reporting Statement

Learn how to add a reporting statement with your invoice

LegalOffice billing provides the ability to produce a reporting statement when you raise a tax invoice.

The statement format can be changed using the Bill Formatting app and has the same type and style options available as with your bill template.

Ticking the Statement box on the Bill Header page will create the statement and this will include ;

  • Opening balance as at the last invoice
  • All transactions posted to the matter since the last invoice that affect either Trust or Debtors
  • An entry reflecting the bill which the statement is to accompany
  • A line to balance the statement that can be either a debit or credit
  • Closing balance
  • a change of the BILL date will add any transactions not already included on to the statement. Manual lines and, any changes made to real transaction information (Narrations, values and dates) that have been entered by staff, will remain on the Billing statement.

We will include an indicator on the statement grid to distinguish between real transactions and those manually added.

Reselect the Bill Header/Statement box to reset the statement to only actual transactions and clear manual items.

You can change, add or remove lines except for the opening and closing balance, the line reflecting the invoice or the balancing line.

Switch to the Collect tab to edit the statement.

The statement will create as an additional page to the bill.