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  4. Add/Edit Client Address, Phone or E-Mail records

Add/Edit Client Address, Phone or E-Mail records

Client addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses are held against a client Name Identity or, in the case of joint clients, Name Identities.

You can add or modify these records using the Identity maintenance program. This program can be opened from either the Client Maintenance or Client Inquiry programs.

Open the Client record in either of these programs and select the right click menu item Identity Maintenance. Switch to the Contact / ID tab.

You can add an unlimited number of Contact / ID records. To add a record simply right click in the appropriate grid area e.g. Address and select Add from the options menu.

If you want to amend an existing address, phone or e-mail record, simply select the record header located on the left side of the screen. The record details will display on the right hand panel where you make your changes.

You can share any address, phone or e-mail record between identities. To share a record, firstly add a New type of record e.g. Work Phone, then right click and select the option Share. A lookup screen will display where you can search for and select the record using the identity name.