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Add a Client using information received from a third party

Customers of AML providers like APLYID and FirstAML can import client and due diligence information collected by their provider.

This removes the need for staff to enter a client’s details manually. Information captured and submitted by the third party can be imported against a client identity record. This includes but is not limited to contact information like addresses., email address and phone numbers, identity verification documents like passports and proof of address and more.

This feature can be used for individual, joint, companies, trust and estate type clients. Due diligence identity information associated with a client e.g. company directors, trust trustees etc. can also be imported against as CDD identities.

This feature can also be used to update existing client and identity information.

This guide explains how to use the LegalOffice interface, please speak to your AML provider for details on how their app operates.

Set upFirm

Set your preferred AML provider in your LegalOffice preferences file

Use the drop down menu to select the provider and enter the URL where new clients requests are directed.

Use the following <variables> as required

<Client> – means your provider will include the relevant reference in the information returned allowing an immediate match with the shell client.

<FirmID> – allows your provider to direct their API directly to your LegalOffice database.

<Requester> – this is the member of staff who has initiated the AML request and if included in the submitted information, LegalOffice will notify the requester that the information is available for import.

Set up -Users

You can elect which users have access to this function via the User Maintenance app. Open the user record;

On the the Functions tab select the External Identity Import tick box.

On the Details tab select the Workspace Client Import tick box.

Where do I see this information?

The Workspace Imports tab is where all submitted client identity information is displayed. These records are removed once they have been imported and associated with your client identity records.

This tab includes a counter that will auto refresh allowing you to see when newly submitted records are available.

The Import Process

The first step is to create a shell client in LegalOffice. A shell client is simply a new client with an identity that has enough information entered allowing you to recognise submitted records and match them against your client. At minimum you will need the identity name e.g. for an individual the surname and forename, or for a company or trust etc. the full entity name.

The next step is to send your client an information request from your AML provider’s app or portal. You can also initiate this request while you are adding the shell client.

Once you have added the shell client, use the right click menu and select External Verification Request.

This will open your provider web portal where you can continue with the process to contact your client. Complete the process as instructed by your AML provider.

Once your client has completed and submitted your AML request request the data will be returned and displayed in the Workspace/Import tab.

Select the client you intend to import and then click the Import Selected button.

The Client Import Preview app with display. The top grid will display details of the submitted client information. The bottom grid will display any potential matches, or conflicts in your LegalOffice system.