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Add/Edit Client Relationships

You can create relationships between your clients and contacts. This allows you to display information linking clients together where they may be represented as different entities or have relationships with other clients e.g. Harry Jones is your client in his own right but he is also the client involved in a trust entity named the HJ Family Trust. The relationships function will allow you to see the relationship between these two separate entities.

Clients and contacts can have an unlimited number of relationships.  Each relationship has a type describing the relationship e.g. Trust, Company Director, Partner etc.

Relationships can be added using the client maintenance program or the MyClients right click menu item Relationships.

Add or edit a Relationship

Open the client maintenance program, right click and select Related or use the MyClients right click menu option Relationships.

This will open the relationship maintenance program. Displayed will be all relationships associated with this client or contact.

To add a new relationship use the right click menu New. Click on the Client field to add the client reference for the other related party

Alternatively you can double click on the client field to display a list of clients that you may search and select from.

Enter the relationship type if required or leave as the default of Associated Client.

The name of the related client will self populate.

Remember when you have finished editing to use the right click menu Update to save your changes.

Relationships are displayed on the MyClients and Client Inquiry screens


Use the expand button + to display further details about the client, select the related tab to display details of the clients relationships.

Client Inquiry

Open the client inquiry program summary tab to see details of any relationships, Double click on the related client to switch to the related entity.