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Annual Reporting Statement

This is a statement of the trust and IBD ledgers for matters that have a balance in either ledger for a selected date range.

Using the Mailmerge app you can create a statement for matters meeting the selection criteria.

Mailmerge Statements

This process will create and save statements as either an Outlook email or a Word document. Note with the email format, the statement is contained within the email body and not as an attachment.

Your LegalOffice system has been preconfigured to create a statement formatted as a Word document and to save this file into the DMS. The statement has been prepared using the precedent editor and this can be formatted to suit your own business style.

If you are wanting to use the Email format, another template may need to be prepared and you should contact support for further information.

The selection process

Open the Mailmerge app, select the query ‘999 Annual Statement’ and press generate. Enter the date range you wish to report on and click Ok.

The app will display a list of all matters with balances at the close date you have selected.

Create and Save statements formatted as Word documents to the DMS

Select ALL to include all matters in this statement process. If you want to select individual matters, use the windows control and left click method to select the individual records you want. The displayed counter will let you know how many records you are about to process.

Select the Precedent code ANNUALREP

Depending on the number of matters selected, this next step can take some time and you may want to wait until you have a quiet period for this process to complete – click Letters when you are ready to start. As an estimate, during testing creating and saving 354 statements took 60mins over a 900Mbs internet connection.

The process will create a statement for each listed matter and save this directly to the matters DMS file.

Delivering Statements to your clients

There are various functions available within DMS to help you deliver these statements to your client.

Printing Statements

Select the statement/s you want to print, use the right click menu and select the Print option. The selected statements will be sent to your default printer.

Emailing Statements

You can send a statement to your client from the DMS Documents tab using the standard email functions available on the right click menu.

To send statements as a batch i.e. multiple statements by email to individual clients, you should use the right click menu option ‘Individual Email as PDF’. This process will save an email, addressed to the selected client with their statement as an attachment, in your Outlook drafts folder.

Note: This can take some time depending on the number of statements you have selected.

Sharing Statements

You can share a statement with your client from the DMS Documents tab using the standard Share function available on the right click menu.

This process will send a copy of the statement to your chosen file sharing site, saving the file to a folder labelled with the Client Matter Reference
