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Document Management

The Document Management system (DMS) allows you store your documents, emails and, any other type of files. electronically.

As it fully integrated within the LegalOffice Practice Management system, all correspondence relating to a client is available at the click of a button.

The DMS is a highly functional application providing document versioning and comparison tracking, comprehensive audit logging, document security, full text index searching, bulk document import and export along with many other useful tools.

It is the primary module behind our digital office, a fully digital solution that allows firms to manage their clients and matters electronically, without a paper file being kept.

It is a tool to specifically help law firms easily organise, access, and work with their documents in the day-to-day practice of law in a more effective fashion than a generic document management system or document storage.

For instance, features like these make an essential tool for the modern law office;

  • Version Management, which allows users to see each iteration of a document, and also view, restore or compare previous versions of every document.
  • Document Check-Out/In, which allows users to check documents out, keeping others from making changes to it.
  • Index and Search, the DMS will index every document and email stored within it, making all content immediately searchable.
  • Scan and Fax integration. The DMS will integrate directly with your firm’s scanners and fax machine (or fax service). This streamlines workflow by having scanned documents go directly to your DMS, where it can be filed to the appropriate matter.
  • Matter-centricity. A matter is the hub of a law firm’s workflow. Our matter-centric DMS allows the user to create a matter, which acts as a virtual file cabinet to store (and manage) documents, email and notes for that matter.
  • Email Management. In the practice of law, an email is a document like any other. Our DMS can store, index and manage email as it does documents. Our DMS will integrate with Microsoft Outlook and allow the law firm’s staff to fluidly save emails directly to a matter.
  • Document Types, Tagging and MetaData. Law firms work with all kinds of documents: motions, orders, pleadings, complaints, contracts and so on. It is important to identify the exact type of each document in your DMS; this is done with the process of tagging (we call this metadata) a document. Categorizing documents in this way is useful for a variety of reasons, including the ability to see all documents of a certain type across your database, as well as to quickly assess the type or nature of a document at a glance.
  • Microsoft Office. We have Office Addins that make saving Word documents, Outlook emails and Excel workbooks especially easy.

You can access the DMS from;

Click on the DMS tab to display your documents for the current month;
Right click on a client record and select ClientDocs to display all documents for the selected client will display;
Client Inquiry
Right click on a matter record and select the ClientDocs to display all documents for the selected client will display;
Right click on a matter record and select the MatterDocs to display all documents for the selected matter will display;
Matter Inquiry
Right click on a matter record and select the MatterDocs to display all documents for the selected matter will display.
