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Change a document’s metadata or filename

You can change the metadata or name of any document. Metadata includes tags like the client, matter, author etc.

Change metadata

Locate the document on the DMS/Documents tab. Use the right click menu to open the ‘Change Metadata’ option.

Tick the left-hand box to indicate which metadata is to changed. In this example I am changing the client and matter reference.

Our standard entry method applies, you can lookup values with a left double click or you can type in the value manually.

Click OK to save your changes.

Change a document name

Locate the document on the DMS/Documents tab. Use the right click menu to open the ‘Change Name/Month’ option.

You can change the Month which the document has been stored in or the filename. You would only change the file extension in the case the document had been saved incorrectly as a different file type.

Click OK to save your changes.