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DMS Error codes

If you are unable to commit a document, LegalOffice will display an error code on your
Working Tab explaining the problem.

Error Number =   1 

You are recorded in the DMS as having locked this document  but there is no copy of the document in your DMSWork folder.

There is no valid reason this should happen and the file has been deleted from your DMSWork folder.

Your options are to delete the file from your Working list and the document will revert to its last committed state 

Error Number =   2   

You have a document in your DMSWork folder that is unknown to the DMS. 

This should only happen if a DMS administrator has removed your  lock on the document or if a file has been saved directly to your  DMSWork folder. 

Use the Open Document option to view the document and if desired  save it to your DMSWatch Folder and import it as a new document. 

Then use the Delete working copy function to remove this  document from your work area.

Error Number =   3 

You have a copy of a DMS document in your Work Area  but you are not recorded as having locked the document. 

This should only happen if a DMS Administrator has removed your  prior lock. 

Committing a changed version of this document back as a new  version is no longer an option.  Check the changed column on this screen to see if the document  has been modified by you since you locked it.  If you wish to ensure a copy of the document you have in the  DMSWork folder is saved then Edit the document and save it to your DMSWatch folder which will import a new document into the DMS.

Then use the Delete working copy function to remove this  document from your DMSWork folder.

Error Number =   4  

The copy of this document in your DMSWork folder has a different name than the DMS knows the document as. 

This should only happen if the document has been manually renamed  directly via the windows file system. 

Committing a changed version of this document back as a new version is no longer an option.  Check the changed column on this screen to see if the document  has been modified by you since you locked it.

If you wish to ensure a copy of the document you have in the  DMSWork folder is saved then Edit the document and save it to your  DMSWatch folder which will import a new document into the DMS. 

Then use the Delete working copy function to remove this  document from your DMSWork area. 

Error Number =   5  

The copy of this document in your work area has a  different date than when you locked the document .

This should only happen if the document has been manually changed  via the windows file system.

Committing a changed version of the document back as a new version is no longer an option. 

Check the changed column on this screen to see if the document  has been modified by you since you locked it.  If you wish to ensure a copy of the document you have in the  DMSWork area is saved then Edit the document and save it to your  DMSWatch folder which will import a new document into the DMS.

Then use the Delete working copy function to remove this  document from your DMSWork area.

Error Number =   6

You have a document in your DMSWork folder in a Folder that  is not a valid DMS folder. 

This should only happen if you have created or copied a folder to  the DMSWork area via Windows commands 

Use the Open Document option to view the document and if desired  save it to the Watch Folder to import it as a new document. 

Then use the Delete working copy function to remove this  document from your DMSWork area.

Error Number=   9  

The document is currently opened by another program.  Close that program and commit the document again.