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  4. Import a folder of documents

Import a folder of documents

The Import a Folder function allows you save multiple documents into the DMS with a single set of metadata.

Open the Workspace/DMS/Functions tab

Click on the Import Folder button

Complete the page displayed like in this screen shot below

Press Proceed to import the documents

Folder to ImportNavigate to the folder containing the documents you want to import into the DMS
Include SubfoldersTick this box if the folder you are importing has subfolders containing documents you want to import into the DMS
DocumentsA counter field displaying how may files will be imported
Path in StoreOptional : Use this field to retain the original folders PATH – this may help identify imported documents later on
StoreThe metadata store you are saving the imported documents into
Doc TypeOptional : Leave blank if you are importing various types of documents
ClientAdd the client reference for which the documents are to be held e.g.ABC123
MatterAdd the full matter reference for which the documents are to be held e.g. ABC123.0001
AuthorAdd the author intitals for which the documents are to be held
DeleteTick this box if you want the original document deleted after it has been imported into the DMS
Extract TextTick this box if you want the documents text content extracted for search purposes