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Microsoft Office Addins

We all love Word, Outlook and the various other Microsoft tools. So that you can work with these products while using the LegalOffice DMS, we have created a series of Add-ins that mean you can save and edit documents in our DMS – seamlessly. That’s right, you heard correctly, seamlessly. To quote a recent convert to LegalOffice, ‘You have really nailed this interface’

However, even though our add-in provides seamless interaction with Office, there can be hiccups that need attention periodically.

One problem is when the LegalOffice Add-In becomes disabled or is made inactive. There are different reasons for how this can occur and in how we can reinstate the Add-In. Here are some things you can try to correct this yourself. If these instructions don’t get you working, give someone at LegalOffice a call and we can help

First thing is you need to determine the state of your Add-in. For either Word or Outlook;

  • select the File menu to open the options panel
  • select the Add-in section
  • look at the list of Add-ins displayed on the right hand panel, is it inactive or disabled?
  • Use the ‘Manage Add-in’ box to select which type of state you want to edit.
  • 1) For Inactive Add ins, select the Com Add-in Option.
  • 2) for Disabled Add ins, select the ‘Disabled’ Option.

Option 1 – Add-In is Inactive

On the list that displays select either LoCoWordAddin (for Word) or LoCoOutlookAddin (for Outlook) and activate Add-in by ticking the selection box.
Restart Word or Outlook and check that the DMS import process is working

Option 2 – Add-In is Disabled

On the list that displays select either LoCoWordAddin (for Word) or LoCoOutlookAddin (for Outlook) and activate Add-in by selecting the ‘Enable’ option.
Restart Word or Outlook and check that the DMS import process is working

If neither of these steps work for you then you will need to completely reinstate the Add-in

Option 3 – Completely reinstate the LegalOffice Add-Ins

You reinstate the LegalOffice Add-In via the Windows registry editor. You should only do this is you are comfortable as the registry is a key component of Windows. Deleting the wrong keys may cause the PC to not work correctly.

Close LegalOffice, Word and Outlook

From the Windows start menu search for the program ‘run’ . In the dialogue box type regedit

On the left hand panel expand the node HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Navigate and remove the following registry key.


Now restart LegalOffice. You will see two message windows display acknowledging the Word and Outlook Addins have been installed.
Restart Word and Outlook
Verify the DMS import process is working.

If you are still having problems at this stage, you had better contact us for help