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The time entry screen displays time lines grouped by author and date. This gives a view of an author’s time for an individual day (a timesheet). The screen display is split into a header section displaying summary information for the selected days’ timesheet and either a detailed grid display showing the individual time lines included on the timesheet or, a visual representation of the timelines entered in a calendar like format.

By default, the time entry screen will open at the oldest date for which an un-updated time line exists. If there are no un-updated time lines, the current days timesheet will be displayed.

Timesheet Header

A summary analysis of chargeable and non-chargeable time recorded for the timesheet is displayed in both time and value.

If you use time budgets, graphs will display comparing your time budget against the time recorded for the day, month and year.

Things you can do on the timesheet header;

  • change the author displayed by double clicking on the author field and selecting another author code from the drop down list;
  • change the timesheet date by clicking the drop down menu next to the date displayed and select the date you wish to view;
  • print a timesheet report for the timesheet displayed by right clicking on the header title bar and selecting the timesheet print button.

Timesheet Detail Grid

The timesheet detail grid displays information about the timelines that have been entered. Using the right click menu you can;

  • Add a new timeline;
  • Edit a timeline;
  • Delete a timeline;
  • Update a timeline;
  • Update all of today’s timelines;
  • Create a reversal timeline;
  • Duplicate a timeline;
  • Un Update a timeline.

The following Information can displayed on the timesheet detail grid;

Column Header Description
UPD Ticked Indicates the time line has been updated

Un ticked indicates the time line is being held in draft mode.

INV Indicates the time line is invalid
MatterRef The matter reference/project number the time line has been recorded against
Mins The number of minutes recorded for the time line
Units The number of units recorded for the time line
RC Displays which rate code (Charge rate) has been used
Rate The hourly rate used to calculate the time line value
Exempt A tick indicates the time line is GST exempt
ACT The activity code used on the time line
Task The task code if applicable
Billed Indicates whether or not the time line has been billed
Narrative The time line description
File Note Any file note recorded
Start Time The time at which the time line was entered
Acting Matter acting author initials
Author Timesheet author initials
Branch Timesheet author branch
Department Timesheet author department
Chargeable Chargeable or non-chargeable indicator for the selected timeline
Client Name The client name
Client Number The client number
Time ID Unique ID for the selected timeline

Find out more about time entry by clicking here
