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  4. Add a timeslip using the clock timer

Add a timeslip using the clock timer

Learn how to add a Timeline using the clock timer

To add a time line you need to open the Time Slip programme.

You can open the timeslip program from;

Workspace Time Entry
Right click on the grid and  select ‘New Timeslip’

My Clients
Right click on a client record and select ‘add Timeslip’

My Matters
Right click on a matter record and select ‘add Timeslip’

Start the Timer

Left click on the timer button to start the clock timer. The button will turn green and the clock will begin recording and display time lapsed.

Pause timer: Left click once on the green timer button to pause the timer. The button will turn orange and the clock will stop recording time.

Resume timer: Left click on the orange timer button to restart the clock timer. The button will turn green and the clock will begin recording and display time lapsed.

Complete the other fields as required. Fields marked with an (*) are either required or it is highly recommended that you enter data into these fields.

Click “Save” when data entry is complete.

Author Code (*)
This will default to your author initials or you can change the author by using the F2 lookup function
Date (*)
This will default to the selected time sheet date (when started from time Entry screen) or to the current date if started from any other screen.
Client (*)
Either type in a client reference or, by using the F2 lookup function, search for and select the client reference. You can enter an invalid reference if the client does not already exist.
Matter (*)
Either type in a matter reference or, by using the F2 lookup function, search for and select the matter reference. You can enter an invalid reference if the mattter does not already exist.
Units (*)
Enter the number of units to be recorded.
Activity (*)
Select a code from the drop down menu or overtype with a valid activity code. Find out more about Activity Codes.
Select a code from the drop down menu if the matter is subject to task based billing
Narration (*)
Enter a description of the work completed.
File Note
Enter a file note if required. Right click in this field to add a physical file note for this matter into the matters digital DMS file.
Tick to indicate this time line is chargeable work. This means it will show as WIP on the matter.
Override rate
The authors standard hourly rate is used to calculate the value of the timeline however an alternative rate can be used by entering a $ value into this field.
Zero Value
Tick to indicate this time line is to be recorded with a 0.00 value. This means while it will show on the matter as a WIP item of a zero value, it will show as chargeable time on the author performance statistics.
Update Now
Tick to indicate the time line should be updated immediately when the save button is clicked. Left unticked, the timeline will be saved but remain in edit mode and available for further changes.
Rate Code
Displays the rate code being used to calculate the value of this time line. Find out more about Time Rate Codes
Save then Another
Saves and closes the displayed timeline but leaves the timeslip open and ready for another timeline to be entered.
Minimises the timeslip to the taskbar. This screen can then be recalled at later time.