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Write off unbilled time

Learn about writing off unbilled time (WIP).

Time is charged against a matter and becomes work in progress (WIP). Only WIP can be written off.

Open the Matter inquiry for the matter containing the WIP you would like to write off. Select the TIME tab.

The time inquiry screen is split into a header and details panel.

The header panel contains a summarised view of the time recorded against a matter. Displayed are totals of both chargeable and non chargeable time charged to this matter plus the value of any WIP remaining. These are grouped by the working author.

The details panel displays the individual time lines. It also displays the status of each line. Time states include:


To write off all WIP for an individual author, right click on the author record displayed in the header panel and select ‘Write off all WIP’ for the matter.

To write off a single or multiple WIP items, select the items displayed on the details panel, right click and select ‘Write Off WIP item’

Time written off can be re instated at any time.  Select the Written off items displayed on the details section, right click and select ‘Write Off WIP item’