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Workspace is an intuitive and easy to use program providing you with access to your firm’s information.

Workspace provides a fully integrated space where all of your daily tasks can be completed.

How to navigate about in Workspace

Moving between fields tab key or mouse
Lookup or searching F2 or mouse double left click
Repeat Client/Matter Ref F12 to repeat the last client matter reference used
Screen options Right mouse click to display context menu options
Field selection Mouse double left click to select field contents
Print Screen F5 print screen directly to printer
Print Screen F6 print screen to a file
Print Grid Right click column heading select ‘Print Grid’
Export to Excel Right click column heading select ‘Export to Excel’
Add columns Right click column heading select ‘Field Chooser’
Remove Columns Right click column heading select ‘Remove Column’
Save grid configuration Right click column heading select ‘Save grid settings’

The humble MOUSE Click  – a convention you need to familiarise yourself with

The left and right mouse click buttons will perform tasks and select additional functions throughout LegalOffice.

Left mouse click = select or sort whatever field you are clicking on
Right mouse click = display our context menu

The left mouse click is self explanatory and a standard method of working within Windows.

Things get interesting with the right mouse click!

A right click of the mouse button in LegalOffice will display a menu of functions and programs available to you. Each screen has it own menu which is applicable to that particular screen. Some screens have 2-3 different menus available and it depends where you right click as to which menu displays.

The following conventions remain true throughout Workspace. Once you have learned them, you will have learnt how to drive Workspace and understand how to make the program work for you!

Lets start by using the Workspace time entry tab as an example;

This screen can be broken down into three distinct areas – the header panel, the grid header and the grid panel.

The Header Panel

A right click on the header will display a menu – in this case with functions applicable to time entry. You can’t click on fields or graphs or tables – you need to find a clear area of the header panel. Below is an example of the menu displayed using the mouse right click button;

The Grid Header

A right click anywhere along the column headers will display a menu – in this case with functions applicable to the grid itself. These menu options are standard across all of our grid based screens. Below is an example of the menu displayed using the mouse right click button;

The Grid Panel

The grid is where we display a lot of our data. A right click in this panel will display a menu of options specific to this screen. Below is an example of the menu displayed using the mouse right click button;
