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The DMS allows you to store all of your client and business correspondence electronically.

As it is fully integrated within the LegalOffice Practice Management system, all correspondence relating to a client is available at the click of a button.

The DMS is a highly functional application providing document versioning and comparison tracking, comprehensive audit logging, full text index searching, bulk document import and export along with many other useful tools.

It is the primary module behind our digital office, a fully digital solution that allows firms to manage their clients and matters electronically, without a paper file being kept.

Key features;

  • Integrated with Microsoft Word and Outlook
  • Full text indexing and Faceted searching
  • Client and Matter centric
  • Document versioning
  • Extensive document, group, and user security levels
  • E-discovery functions
  • Supports all file types
  • Comprehensive metadata tags

You can access the DMS from:

Click on the DMS tab to display your documents for the current month;
Right click on a client record and select ClientDocs and all documents for the selected client will display;
Client Inquiry
Right click on a matter record and select ClientDocs and all documents for the selected client will display;
Right click on a matter record and select MatterDocs and all documents for the selected matter will display;
Matter Inquiry
Right click on a matter record and select MatterDocs and all documents for the selected matter will display.

Learn about the different DMS screens by clicking here

Use the Quick Guide to save any document to the DMS by clicking here

Learn how to save a Word document to the DMS by clicking  here

Learn how to save Outlook emails to the DMS by clicking here

Learn how to work with and edit DMS documents by clicking here