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LegalOffice Messenger allows LegalOffice users to communicate and share information held within LegalOffice, without having to use email or the telephone.

You can access messenger using the right mouse click from;

  • DMS
  • DMS Import
  • My Matters
  • Matter Inquiry
  • Requests system (Payment, Receipt and Journal)

Messenger Tab

Workspace users now have the option of including the Messenger tab on their Workspace display. This tab will display all messages sent and received. Messages can be filtered to display:

  • all new/unread/completed messages for a user
  • all messages for a user
  • all messages for a client or matter
  • all messages for another / all users

The Workspace messenger tab will indicate when a new message is received or if there are any unread messages.

Message Options

Messages can be sent as priority or standard. Prioritised messages will interrupt the recipient with a pop up message being displayed and standard messages will be added to the recipient’s Messenger tab as a new message.

All messages can be replied to or forwarded on to other users.

DMS Messages

These messages relate to specific documents which can be viewed or opened for edit directly from the message.

Example use: Send a message including a link to a document you wish the recipient to review.

General Messages

These messages relate to specific client matters for which inquiry can be opened directly from the message.

Example use: Sent a message including a link to a client matter you wish the recipient to review.

Request Messages

These messages relate to specific requests (can be payment, receipt or journal) and allow the user to open the request itself or client matter inquiry.

Example use: Send details confirming a payment / receipt / journal transaction has been made. 

Using Messenger


To send a message simply select ‘Send Internal Message’ from one of the available right click menus. Select a recipient and add your message. Click send when you are done.


Received messages will be added into your Messages screen. The Messages tab will display a counter indicating the number of new (unread) and un-actioned messages being held. Completed messages will remain in the Messages screen with a status of complete.

If you don’t want to be interrupted with internal messages being displayed, open your Messages tab and tick the ‘No Interupts’ box.

Messages have three states;

  • New      –               Unread
  • Active   –              Read but not yet actioned
  • Closed  –              Read and actions completed

To action a message from the Messages screen simply right click on the message. A menu of possible actions will display. Perform your actions. When the message has been actioned select Complete Message.