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MyClients displays summarised information for clients.

You can filter the displayed results using the various filter options located on the header panel.

To retain any options you have selected, use the ‘Save Settings’ option on the header panel right click menu.

Clients can be searched for by name using the Name search field located on the header panel.

Use the Current Matters Only tick box to switch between displaying all clients or only those with active matters.

You can add a new client by right clicking on the header panel and selecting the option ‘New’. To learn more about adding a new client click here

You can edit an existing client by right clicking on the client record and selecting the option ‘Client Maintenance’. To learn more about maintaining exist clients click here

You can print a report of your current screen selections by right clicking on the header panel and selecting the option ‘Report’.

Clicking the expand button (+) located to the immediate left of the client number will display further details for the selected client.

This includes a matter listing for the client, specific client relationships, client contact details, client records, IBD deposits and notes. This is a useful way of displaying specific client information without having to open client inquiry.

Right mouse click functions available on this screen include adding a timeslip, dialling the client default telephone number, sending an internal message, client inquiry, client inquiry print, the various client maintenance options, client notes, client precedents, send the client an email and display all documents held for the selected client in the DMS.

The columns displayed can be moved, removed or further columns added to suit each user’s own requirements. These settings can be saved for future sessions.   To do this right click on a column heading and select the option field chooser. Select the appropriate fields and then select store settings to save this display configuration.

Right mouse click on any column heading to sort, group, export, remove columns, format and print the report to best suit your needs.

Learn how to add a new client by clicking here

Learn how to edit an existing client by clicking here

Learn how to use client inquiry by clicking here