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MyMatters displays summarised information for matters.

You can filter the displayed results using the various filter options located on the header title bar.

To retain any options you have selected , use the ‘Save Settings’ option on the header right click menu.

Matters can be searched for by:

  • client name using the Name search field located on the header panel
  • matter title using the Matter Title search field located on the header panel

You can add a new matter  by right clicking on the header panel and selecting the option ‘New’. To learn more about adding a new matter click here

You can edit an existing matter by right clicking on the matter record and selecting the option ‘Matter Maintenance’. To learn more about maintaining exist matters click here

You can print a report of your current screen selections by right clicking on the header panel and selecting the option ‘Report’.

Right mouse click functions available on this screen include;

Add time to the matter
Add time using a clock timer
Send an internal message
Send client email using a precedent template
Send matter email using a precedent template
Open matter inquiry
Print an inquiry report
Print a prebilling report
Print a matter statement
Open matter maintenance
Add a matter note
Create a client precedent
Create a matter precedent
Create a Settlement statement
Create a Trust / Debtor statement
Create a Lawtype precedent
Display matter DMS documents
Place matter on hold
Close matter
Pay debtors balance from trust
Request a payment
Request a client payment
Request a receipt
Request a journal
Raise an internal office charge
Request a disbursement payment
Raise an invoice

The columns displayed can be moved, removed or further columns added to suit each users own requirements. These settings can be saved for future sessions. Right click on a column heading and select the option field chooser. Select the appropriate fields and then select store settings to save this display configuration.

Right mouse click on any column heading to sort, group, export, remove columns, format and print the report to best suit your needs.

Learn how to add a new matter by clicking here

Learn how to edit an existing matter by clicking here

Learn how to use matter inquiry by clicking here